The Chakras

1st chakra   Root
Located near the base of the spine. Survival as spirit in body. Issues relating to work, livelihood and money. Belonging to a group. Fear and security issues.

2nd chakra   Spleen or Sacral
Located a few finger widths below the navel. Emotionality, sexuality and clairsentience. Flow and blockages of emotions, sexual attraction and sensing others' emotions.

3rd chakra   Solar plexus
Located at the solar plexus, just below the ribs. Energy distribution and personal power. How much energy you have, how you use it and what you use it for. Ego identity--who you think you are.

4th chakra   Heart
Located in the center of the chest area. Affinity and harmony. What you're magnetically drawn to. Ability to be at one with people, places, objects. Self-love and self-worth.

5th chakra   Throat
Located at the base of the neck and throat. Communication and expression. Ability to communicate with others verbally and psychically. Listening to & expressing inner voice.

6th chakra   Third eye
Located through the center of the head, in line with the forehead. Clearseeing and clairvoyance. Ability to see as spirit, to distinguish truth from lie. Seeing the whole picture without judgement.

7th chakra   Crown
Located on top of the head at the crown. Knowingness-your ability to be still and know truth. Your own direct connection to higher spiritual information. Intuition and inspiration.


For more information try these links:


Llewellyn Encyclopedia

Sanatan Society

Chakra Healing

The Tantra Chakra System

Swadhisthana or "Self or Own Abode"

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